Cityville Game

Cityville Game : The CityVille Secrets

Top Methods To Dominate CityVille Game Exposed

Ever wondered why you can't make as much money, constantly run out of energy or can't level up as fast as other players in the game? What are the other players doing that you aren't?

We've been tracking down and 'becoming friends' with the most high level CityVille Game players, watching exactly what they are doing and exposing their secrets in our guide so you can become just as good as them. We've followed their every move and written it down, tested it, and then improved it even more.

And as part of our commitment to YOU, we always make sure we keep you happily fed with new secrets and strategies, just the way it's supposed to be.

"So what is The CityVille club?"

The CityVille Club is an online membership site where you can sign up and download our infamous CityVille guides. There are no monthly payments or any other recurring membership costs - all we charge is a small one-time fee to cover the cost of our site and our writers.

So far the response has been great and many of our members have gone on to build great cities.

We have everything covered and written down ready for your use - with our guides you can level super fast and make insane amounts of cash in the fastest time possible.

Join now and Here's what you get as a member...

  • The Cityville Game Club Secrets Guide.
  • 100% legal and legitimate strategies and techniques to DOMINATING CityVille.
  • A FREE bonus guide on easily making CRAZY amounts of CityVille Cash and Energy.
  • Another FREE bonus guide on leveling from 1 to 80 in the fastest time possible.
  • Yet another FREE bonus! This one is an exclusive report on how to get new neighbors insanely fast.
  • An awesome members-only area where you can download our guides and other premium content.
That means it'll do all the work while you're away. It's like someone playing the game for you.

Click Here To Learn The CityVille Game Club Secrets

Thursday, May 3, 2012

CityVille Game : CityVille Secrets Guide

CityVille Game :
As many people play the game on of the first things they want to know is what are the CityVille secrets? How can you conquer this new game from Zynga and impress all your friends and acquaintances? Some people might think that there are no secrets to the game. That it is simply a social interaction game. This is simply not true. There are ways to get ahead and to build your metropolis at a faster rate than others. It comes from understanding the rules and a few methods that gain goods, coins and XP at a faster than normal rate. These are just a few of the Cityville Secrets.

Cityville Secrets Guide

There is no simple and quick way to discuss all the methods that you can get ahead quickly in this new game by Zynga. The main secrets of CityVille revolve around the usage and control of energy. Energy is life-blood of the game. Once energy is rundown there's nothing you can do in this game until is recharged. Therefore the main CityVille secrets revolve around proper usage of energy. One of the simplest tips is to start play wonderful energy bar as well as a decent supply of energy from your neighbors. There are a lot of advanced tips as to how you can make your energy bar last as long as possible but at its core is all about energy conservation.

CityVille Cash Secrets

CityVille uses Gold coins for cash. Just like energy, gold coins must be conserved and used just the right times to get the best gameplay. Your CityVille cash allows you to build houses, shipping, businesses, community buildings and ultimately to collect rent, taxes and XP. Learning the hints that will let you maximize the effect of both cash and energy will allow you to dominate the game of CityVille.

CityVille Game : Article Source: